Septic Systems

Septic Systems

Every sink, toilet, and shower in your home drains into the septic tank.  When solids enter the tank, the paper, waste, and grease or oil float to the surface, creating a layer commonly referred to as "Scum."  Over time the heavier solids sink to the bottom, creating a layer called "Sludge."  The layer in between has clear water, which is the only water that drains out into the leaching or drain field.  When the sludge fills to the point of the output baffle, you can have sewage leak out into your yard or worse; it can back up into your house.  

Quite a few homeowners have the misconception that if they have not experienced any problems with their systems, they do not need to pump out their tanks.  In the long run, this mistake can be very costly and do irreparable damage to your system. We recommend pumping your tank every 3 to 5 years.  The time frame will depend on the size of your tank, and the number of occupants in the home. 

If you experience pooling water in your yard, foul odors, and slow drains, these are indicators that you have a failing system.  If you notice any of these signs, it is a good idea to get someone out to service it immediately.  Call the experts at State Line Septic 479-619-8226!

An isometric diagram of a house with a septic system
A concrete septic tank with two green lids is sitting in the dirt.
        Other Considerations:
  • Do not drive vehicles over leach fields
  • Do not plant trees and shrubs over leach fields
  • Excessive water entering the system may overload it and cause it to fail

Your Septic System is a very fragile system that requires a delicate balance of enzymes and bacteria.  To keep it in balance, it is recommended that you and your family members follow these practices to keep your system running at its optimal state.

Things you should never flush or rinse down your drains:

  • Baby Wipes
  • Disposable Diapers 
  • Paper Towels  
  • Gauze Bandages
  • Cooking Oil/Grease Drippings  
  • Coffee Grinds
  • Dental Floss
  • Food Packaging
  • Cigarettes
  • Cat Litter
  • Balloons
  • Condoms
  • Hair
  • Feminine Products
  • Pesticides
  • Drugs
  • Paint/Paint Thinners
  • Bleach and other harsh cleaners 
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